When you think of oral hygiene, you likely picture brushing and flossing your teeth to remove particles that might affect the gorgeous appearance and strong health of your smile. However, your oral hygiene regimen also plays a crucial role in the well-being of your gums.
This connective tissue ensures that your teeth stay firmly in place in your mouth. If gum health deteriorates due to periodontal disease or another gum problem, then the gums might recede and lead to irreversible dental damage, including tooth loss.
So maintaining a diligent oral hygiene routine will help you keep your entire mouth healthy. You can feel more inspired to stick to a good oral hygiene regimen when you know more about the benefits it brings to your gums. Read on to find three advantages you will notice in your gums when you practice proper oral hygiene.
Reduce Irritating Plaque Build-Up
You must brush your teeth twice a day, mornings and evenings, and floss daily in order to remove residues that naturally accrue on your teeth in a timely fashion. As your day progresses, you might notice that your teeth begin to feel fuzzy. This sensation occurs because a sticky film called plaque forms when food particles meet the natural bacteria in your mouth.
Plaque will spread across your teeth to reach the gumline, where it can easily collect deep in the gum pockets. The film can thicken and harden into tartar over time. Then this build-up will cause irritation to the soft and sensitive gum tissue.
As a result, you may see swelling, redness, soreness, and bleeding in the gums. Because plaque and tartar can be difficult to remove from this tricky area in the mouth, you will want to get rid of it before it spreads there. This means brushing your teeth and flossing as thoroughly and consistently as possible.
Balance Oral Bacteria to Prevent Infections
Plaque formation on your smile will allow oral bacteria to breed and spread easily. From there, bacteria can travel across the smile to reach the gums and infect them. If you contract gum disease, it will not go away on its own.
You will need a dentist to perform periodontal therapy to clean your gums and get rid of excess bacteria and the infection. But if you remove plaque and other harmful residues with good oral hygiene, you can stop this bacterial spread to reduce your risk of oral infections. Products like antibacterial mouthwash can also balance oral bacteria to prevent gum disease.
Visit Your Dentist for Maximum Preventive Periodontal Care
At-home oral hygiene is necessary to get rid of the everyday plaque and other build-up that collects on your teeth. However, your toothbrush and floss alone might miss some areas of your teeth, allowing residues to remain on your smile. This will put you in danger of gum disease and other dental complications.
Visit your dentist for routine dental cleanings and oral exams to maximize oral hygiene. During these check-ups, the dentist will clean your teeth and also check for early signs of gum disease. Then you can stop the infection before it worsens. Call your dentist to book an appointment today.