Do you know just how important your oral health can be to your overall wellness? Many studies have shown a connection between oral health and many serious systemic diseases. What exactly is the relationship between oral health and these illnesses? An experienced dentist in New Philadelphia, OH, Dr. Caleb Robinson can work with you to identify risk factors and support your overall dental health and wellness.
What is the Mouth-Body Connection?
The mouth is a gateway to the rest of the body. One of the main impacts of disease to the gums, periodontal disease, involves bleeding gums, leading to bacteria in the bloodstream spreading throughout the entire body. This is why periodontal disease can be one of the most dangerous oral conditions you can have, and why regular cleanings and checkups are important.
Periodontal disease is inflammatory, and can actually lead to inflammation in the rest of the body. This inflammation, and the bacteria that cause it, are what results in contributing factors to various systemic diseases, including:
- Diabetes
- Alzheimer’s disease
- Cardiovascular disease
- Respiratory disease
- Pregnancy complications
- Rheumatoid arthritis
- Some types of cancers
- Other heart problems
These are serious diseases and medical conditions that can happen simply due to not having proper oral health care.
Periodontal Disease and Cardiovascular Disease
One of the most well-researched connections is the link between periodontal disease and cardiovascular disease (CVD). Periodontal disease is shown to contribute heavily to the buildup of plaque and cholesterol in the arteries that can lead to a heart attack or stroke.
High-risk oral bacteria can make arterial walls more porous, meaning that bad cholesterol has easier access to invade the arteries. Considering that people with periodontal disease tend to have more LDL cholesterol (being small and dense, this is the worst kind), this means that having permeable arteries makes it likely that this bad cholesterol is going to get in. Lastly, this high-risk oral bacteria also makes the arterial walls stickier. So not only is there more of the bad cholesterol and it’s easier to get into the arteries, but but it’s also more likely to stay there and build up plaque. This makes those with periodontal disease at extreme risk of developing CVD.
How to Prevent Periodontal Disease
The easiest way to prevent periodontal disease is by keeping up with your oral health at home, as well as coming into the dentist regularly for cleanings. However, even if you do this already, you can still develop the disease. If you notice your gums bleeding when you brush your teeth or floss, it’s time to see the dentist.
Periodontal disease is a bacterial infection, so it can be passed on to you by something as simple as kissing someone. In addition, there are risk factors that can make you more likely to develop it as well, such as a family history of periodontal disease, tobacco use, or a high-stress lifestyle.
Our practice in New Philadelphia, OH offers expert periodontal treatment, if it does get to that point. We’ll assess the cause and determine exactly what level of treatment you need. Our approaches include ultrasonic instruments for scaling and root planing, air-flow therapy for comfortable disease removal below the gum line, and probiotic recolonization to populate your mouth with good bacteria again.
Gum Disease Treatment in New Philadelphia, OH
Our office of expert professionals is ready to take on even the toughest case of gum disease. We’re here to fix your smile as gently as possible and ensure that you aren’t impacted by the drawbacks of the mouth-body connection. Request an appointment today and make sure your mouth is taken care of by the best!